Saturday 3 November 2012

“One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.”

AT LAST, someone is giving me a justification for having a mish-mash of a brain and a mostly woeful sense of organisation. Not to mention a brilliant sense of disorganisation.

That someone is A.A.Milne, God bless him!

Unable to sleep while in Rhodes and deprived of my steadfast friends in those endless hours -  BBC iPlayer and  BBC Radio4 Extra - I resorted to listening to FM radio on my phone.

Anything less likely to waft my racing brain into doze mode was hard to imagine. I just don't GET Greek (or possibly Turkish) pop music, I'm afraid. No offence to Greek (or possibly Turkish) pop musicians intended.

And then, I heard THIS:

I even managed to work out the name of the performer and the song by listening to the presenter afterwards. (It wasn't difficult to pick out the only four words that made any sense to me...Caro, Emerald, That and Man.)

The song didn't send me to sleep.

But it did make me smile.

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