Tuesday 2 October 2012

“How 'bout a shot of truth in that denial cocktail?”

Brilliant, Jennifer Salaiz. I've mentioned her before, might even have used one of her quotes before, maybe even this one, though I can't find it. She's the writer of paranormal erotica. She tells us we have to be over eighteen to view her work...

There were not many images to illustrate paranormal erotica that I felt would grace this blog!

Here's one.

Anyway, back to being in denial.

It's easy. It's safe.

NOT being in denial is the tough bit. Not being in denial means there's nowhere to hide. It's very convenient to have a bag full of reasons to explain why you didn't do X, Y or Z.

Sometimes I wish I was still in denial. That would mean I didn't have to do things.

And on that note, I'm afraid I can't finish writing this blog because my hamster died in 1963.

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