Sunday 20 February 2011

“And it occurred to me that there is no such thing as blogging."

"...There is no such thing as a blogger. Blogging is just writing — writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology.” (Simon Dumenco)(whoever he is) (sorry Simon)

And it occurred to ME that he's right. So very right. .

This blog is very often the best of my writing in the course of a day. Hmmmm...

While I'm up at the yard with the horses, one of the things that I think about is 'what shall I talk about in my blog?' and when I get home it's the very first thing I do. (I'd be grateful if you didn't mention this to Peter)

I love it. I love choosing the images. I love posting it. I love it that some people that I care a great deal about read it. I love it that some people I don't even know read it. (Hello Albanians and Croatians everywhere!)

When it's done, I think, 'Now, I must get down to some WRITING."

Foolish girl!

I'm not going to stop.