Saturday 15 September 2012

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.

Said John Burroughs (April 3, 1837 – March 29, 1921) -  American naturalist and essayist,  important in the evolution of the U.S. conservation movement.

And  also said Caroline Coxon (August 8, 1955 - as yet to be determined) - British writer and blogger, important in the evolution of errrm...blogging?)

I had a wonderful day yesterday, on a hedgerow foraging and medicine course. Here...

Hawthbush Farm...

Completely idyllic. We made pesto out of nettles, sorrel and wild garlic bulbs...oxymel out of elderberries, blackberries and hawthorn berries...a muscle rub ointment out of plantain, St. John's Wort and beeswax.

We lit a fire using a bow drill...

....and best of all, I fell asleep on the forest floor in dappled sunlight.

You know that phrase 'Coming to your senses' - that was me, yesterday. The sight, the sound, the smell, the taste, the touch...of nature.

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