Friday 23 March 2012

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea

by Mae Chevrette
Today, my cure was sweat. I know it's not very lady-like but I tell you, I was DRIPPING. Feeling a little strung out; a 45 minute dressage lesson on a reasonably reluctant Poppy in the sunshine; result: A cure but it wasn't pretty.

Karen Blixen, Isak Dinesen, Osceola and Pierre Andrézel created the quotation - simultaneously. Not a coincidence, not as a result of Extra Sensory Perception but because they're one and the same person.

 Yes, I knew about Out of Africa but didn't realise she also wrote Babette's Feast or that she wrote in English, Danish and French too. Clever lady. Now I'm interested to seek out her earliest work - Seven Gothic Tales .

One day, I'll probably stop being curious, stop wanting to find out MORE about everything. I'm hoping that will be the day I die, when neither tears, sweat nor the sea will be a cure for anything.

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