Thursday 24 March 2011

Rise early. It is the early bird that catches the worm.

 "Don't be fooled by this absurd saw; I once knew a man who tried it. He got up at sunrise and a horse bit him!"

So said Mark Twain. I, of course, beg to differ. 

Each morning, except for Sundays, I get up at 6.30 a.m and go to the yard to see to the horses - all twenty eight of them. I have never been bitten. I have, however, had two fingers broken but that's another story. 

For me, it's a great way to start the day - not having two fingers broken, it goes without saying, but being in the fresh air, working hard, enjoying the company of beautiful animals.

The rest of the day, pretty much,  I'm inside, at my computer, working hard, wrestling with the beautiful animals that roam around in my head - those words that need taming.

Not so much my tongue as my mind and my fingers on the keyboard.

Horses are easier.


  1. "All twenty eight of them"! I thought you had only Alfie and Poppy (hope I spelled the names correctly) - now thinking you probably ride just these two.

  2. There are twenty eight horses at the yard belonging to lots of different people and in the morning I feed them and turn them out into the fields or get them in from the fields, whatever is necessary as a way of helping the yard owner. I'm the Head Girl!

    I don't muck out the stables. Alfie and Poppy are my own horses who live there too in the fields. They are native ponies who don't need stables.
