Wednesday 16 March 2011

"In real life, it is the hare who wins."

 "Every time. Look around you. And in any case it is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market. Hares have no time to read. They are too busy winning the game."

It's 6 a.m and I woke early in a panic because I have too much to do today. I had too much to do yesterday as well and it made me, well...out of kilter, to put it euphemistically.

So I thought I'd do my blog NOW.

 There I was looking for a 'busy quote' and I came across the words of Anita Brookner. Not only is she a damn fine author, she also made me feel better today...
I think...

Perhaps being a tortoise, which I never seem to achieve for very long, isn't all it's cracked up to be?

 It's now 10 a.m and already I'm chasing my tail.

The cotton-wool bobby one that tells me I'm a hare.


  1. Goodness only knows what happened to the font on this post. A case of more haste, less speed I think.

  2. That was ironic, by the way!

  3. I've decided to be a tortoise, disguised as a hare, and see where that gets me! x

  4. Cunning plan, Mr. Garland. I'd like to see you hop.

  5. I am trying to be a tortoise this week, making a conscious effort to push myself less to produce - and just do a little every day, like one chapter instead of three. It's not hurting as much as I thought. I actually feel kind of happy.

  6. You're very wise, Tonja. Unlike me!
