Friday 18 March 2011

“It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”

Oh yes it is! (I think) I'll have to take time to ponder on that...

Heaven help me, I couldn't even decide which quote to use, which illustration, whether or not to have another cup of coffee...

I'm sure Stephen is right...

BIG decision day. Yesterday, I was asked for the whole of the manuscript of my novel by THE literary agents for teen fiction - this after submitting the first four chapters, a short and a long synopsis.

Panic panic breathe panic - but I haven't FINISHED the whole manuscript. What to do? I gave them a completion date of April 18th and they said 'No problem, whenever you're ready.'

I'm understatedly, Britishly ecstatic.

I KNOW it's only the first of many hurdles BUT...

I'm also very unhappy at one of my jobs. I've been wanting to quit but it's my main source of income. It's also my main source of worry and stress.


Yesterday I was certain I was quitting. Today I'm less certain because I hesitated.


I'll let you know...

In the meantime, I'm preparing a box full of ice-cubes and a saucepan on a little heating element...

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