It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.
Ray Bradbury said this and you'll be pleased to note I have actually heard of him! (He's an American Sci-Fi writer.) I've been listening to his short stories on the radio at some unearthly time in the wee small hours when sleep escapes me.
I love that title!
I've not been finding any hours, minutes or even solitary seconds for creative writing lately.
There's been a great deal of paid freelance work - can't be sneezed at - and other things that have swallowed up my time. When I'm not doing those things, my brain's like porridge...
...or I'm asleep - or I'm not asleep and listening to Ray Bradbury short stories on the radio.
The funny thing is, I usually spend AGES over my writing - not so much in the planning but in the execution - honing, selecting exactly the right word, tinkering. Self-conscious? You bet! Though often the results don't appear that way.
This time last year, because of time commitments, I had left myself about 12 hours to write the first ten pages of
The Melting for a contest deadline. Bear in mind, this might usually have taken me two to three WEEKS.
I had NOTHING - only two characters in my head, no setting, no scenes planned, no ideas, NOTHING.
I think they were the best ten pages I ever wrote.
Now I'm striving to recreate the same conditions. Somehow it isn't working...