Monday 31 October 2011

I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom.

Thus said Thomas Carlyle - Victorian Scottish satirist, essayist historian and teacher.

Look at this picture of him:

If ever someone looked bored it's this perhaps that's why he said what he did.

I DO agree with him in general but if you'd said that to me last night when I was on bended knees after my day at the Tower of London, I might have punched you on the nose. No, perhaps not - I hadn't sufficient energy left.

Only intravenous Chardonnay, when I finally crawled into the house, got me through. (Note to Alcoholics Anonymous: That was a joke. Honestly.)

The thing about working to the point of exhaustion is that after a good night's sleep I woke this morning feeling grrrrrrrrrrrreat. Fulfilled and energised. Satisfied. I suppose you can add relieved to this little list because I was worried about the day beforehand.

I'm rarely bored but if I've spent a day poodling about achieving nothing then I might still be exausted but without the benefit of feeling good about it all.

Another note: I happen to love Coldplay but this made me laugh.

Well, can't stop - another exciting day lies ahead of me...

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